Games Development



A two-player game of cauldrons and chaos! Drop bubbling cauldrons to explode breakable blocks and try to blast the other player until they run out of shields.

This brief was essentially to make wizard-themed Bomberman clone. I had so much fun making this game. The map tiles and explosion animation were part of provided asset packs from other game projects; I created all other sprites and graphics, which was really enjoyable.

You start the game with 3 “shields” (lives) - get hit by any explosion and you lose one. If you explode a breakable block, there is a chance of 1 of 4 power-ups to drop:

  • “Extra bomb” - this allows you to drop an additional cauldron on the map at one time. This is stackable - you can keep adding cauldrons to your itinerary with each power-up you pick up!

  • “Extra shield” - pretty simple - gives you an additional shield! You can stack up to 6 shields.

  • “Invincibility” - surrounds your character with magic shields and protects them from damage for 7 seconds!

  • “Extra explosion” - this adds an additional explosion to the explosions that fire off in the cardinal directions after your cauldron bubbles over. Stackable!

This was the first game I really polished the code for and made sure as many of the whack-a-mole of bugs were fixed as possible.

Grave Stalker

You are a mushroom witch with a spooky task ahead… you are tasked with breaking open graves and releasing the trapped spirits… Watch out though, your magical energy depletes as time goes on - the only way to replenish it is to keep grave stalking!

This was one of my first big solo game projects, created in first year. The brief was to create a Brick Breaker style game. I chose the theme to be a little bit spooky and Halloween-themed, and created my little mushroom witch character for the player to play as.

There is a little story running through the game as you complete each level, and I even illustrated a little still scene for the game’s intro. Each level introduces something new - for example, level two introduces red graves that when hit, release an extra red “soul orb” to assist your usual purple one.

I created all graphical assets, including the title font! That was one of the first things I have created in Adobe Illustrator.

Featured games

Here are a couple of games I am particularly proud of (and created the majority of the assets for), produced during my HND Games Development course.